As many of you already know, I am, shall we say, less than graceful.  You have often seen me with bruises, scrapes, scratches, or at the very least have heard a few wailing "OW's" from the library. 

So what better way to spend a Friday evening than to barrel down a mountain on a snowboard for the first time in seven years with nothing but hope and prayer as my guides? 

Despite the freezing temperatures and my lack of skills, I managed to avoid seriously injuring myself and had an enjoyable time. Not saying I didn't fall at all of course: My first time down the 180 was spent staring at the stars... and not because they were pretty. Although, if you're going to slam yourself against a mountain side, there really isn't a better sight. It also helps to distract from that really annoying group of 8 year olds who ski past you giggling. Jerks. 

All in all, it was a wonderful trip. Of course, you probably wouldn't believe it if you saw  me before Tuesday. Snowboarding is hard. I turned, I twisted, and then I limped for three days. 

Students: Good luck on this week's Regents exams. And if you have no exams, enjoy the break. I will see you all on Monday morning, where I will continue to amaze you at my ability to injure myself with manila folders and fleece jackets. 

Nyzire's artwork was also on the COVER of the reception's pamphlet!
On Friday, January 18th, our  very own                                                                                                Nyzire McCray attended an "Art and Essay Celebration" at Siena College that featured student submissions celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Nyzire was excited to be a part of the event, but even more excited when he found out that Ms. Wawrla (the art teacher) had made copies of his artwork and sold it to the teachers! All of the funds from the sale of the posters was given to Nyzire.

Stop in the library and/or the main office to see Nyzire's work that was featured at the event, and make sure when you see him you say CONGRATULATIONS! 

 And to Nyzire: all of us at the ALC are so proud of you!

for information regarding the event: https://www.siena.edu/pages/1066.asp

I hope you all enjoyed your break, and that you are ready to get back to work! Of course, I may be slacking a little bit... so if you see me looking disoriented, just know that teachers are humans, too (I know, SHOCKING- I barely believed it myself). Make sure that if you are in one of my classes, you remember to print off all of the Apex study guides and check off in the binder what you have finished. The Gradebook will be closing in just a few short weeks!  
Also, if you find yourself struggling this week- please remember:
              It's a 3 day week!