As many of you already know, I am, shall we say, less than graceful.  You have often seen me with bruises, scrapes, scratches, or at the very least have heard a few wailing "OW's" from the library. 

So what better way to spend a Friday evening than to barrel down a mountain on a snowboard for the first time in seven years with nothing but hope and prayer as my guides? 

Despite the freezing temperatures and my lack of skills, I managed to avoid seriously injuring myself and had an enjoyable time. Not saying I didn't fall at all of course: My first time down the 180 was spent staring at the stars... and not because they were pretty. Although, if you're going to slam yourself against a mountain side, there really isn't a better sight. It also helps to distract from that really annoying group of 8 year olds who ski past you giggling. Jerks. 

All in all, it was a wonderful trip. Of course, you probably wouldn't believe it if you saw  me before Tuesday. Snowboarding is hard. I turned, I twisted, and then I limped for three days. 

Students: Good luck on this week's Regents exams. And if you have no exams, enjoy the break. I will see you all on Monday morning, where I will continue to amaze you at my ability to injure myself with manila folders and fleece jackets. 

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